Nissan Leaf: First Drive
The Nissan Leaf is currently the only all Electric (EV) production car available in the UK. I have been lucky enough to be given some time behind the wheel to see if the Leaf could be a viable alternative to theĀ usual ICE (internal combustion engine).
Read about our experiences with the Nissan Leaf
Petrol Prices Pro
Petrol Prices Pro is the official iPhone application from It uses your current location to find the cheapest, most up-to-date petrol prices in your area.
Read our review of the Petrol Prices Pro app for iPhone
Aderco Fuel Additive
ADERCO is a 100% organic fuel additive, which reduces the harmful effects of impurities in modern fuels, improves combustion and MPG. Read our experiences with Aderco and how it helped use squeeze even more MPG from our Hypermiling efforts.
The Aderco Review
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